I love Halloween!
Not for all the scary, gruesome movies or the ghouls and goblins, but for the excitement that it brings. How it allows all ages to be imaginative for one night. For how it brings out all the great elements of fall, like pumpkins & scarecrows & and a few fake spiders in fake webs.I have such great memories of going out on chilly evenings in my not-so-awesome costumes (one year I was a ballerina church mouse - go figure) with my friends to gather all the candy we could carry. I think that is what makes me so excited about waiting at the door to hand out candy to all the adorably dresses kids in our neighborhood. It makes me remember all my neighbors - the cool one that gave out whole candy bars and the not so cool one that gave out key chains for his company (but for some reason we went to his house every year holding out hope). My real aspiration is to be the neighbor that has awesome decorations and possibly a haunted attraction like a casket or something in the front yard every year - but for now I will stick with the spider web and plastic skeleton. Whatever kind of neighbor or trick-or-treater you are I hope you have an exciting Halloween full of ridiculous costumes and great memories!And remember all those pumpkins can go to good use in a yummy pumpkin bread later!