Thursday, August 6, 2009

Favor ideas ...

Some friends of ours got married just over a month ago. They had these really neat wedding favors - flower seeds. (I forgot to take a picture of the actual favor but the one above is similar) The image is of some you can order online, but where's the fun in that. It is a great DIY project that you could use for any occasion.

- coin envelopes from office supply store (these come in kraft paper, white and I have even seen them translucent)
- ribbon
- label (paper or sticker) printed with whatever the favor is for
- craft glue
- flower seeds

Put a few seeds in each envelope and seal them. Wrap the ribbon around securing with craft glue and put cut ends on front. Place label over the cut ends of the ribbon. On the back you can put another label with the kind of seeds and planting instructions. It's that easy.

Well I was really excited because I never seem to have luck with getting seeds to grow, but I decided to plant these two weeks ago. And looky there - they are starting to sprout. I can't wait to see what they look like, since just like I forgot to take a picture of the favors I also forgot what it said I was planting.

Thanks Madi & Whitley!

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